

Basic Information about CNU


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Basic Information about CNU

University Profile

Foundation : May 25th, 1952


Headquarter (President, 2 Vice Presidents, 6 offices), 17 colleges, 1 general graduate school, 5 professional graduate schools, 8 specialized graduate schools, 45 educational facilities including the University's Central Library & General Hospital

Student Body

undergraduate - 25000 graduate - 5500 international - 1300

Faculty & Staff : faculty - 900, staff - 500

Overseas Sister Institution : 294 sister universities in 50 countries

Location : At the center of Korea, Daejeon Metropolitan City, 160km(100miles) away from the capital city of Seoul

Student-Oriented University with Refreshing Campus Environment

Scholarship Opportunities

  • Approx. USD 20 M in Scholarship Awarded(2008)
  • Approx. 43% of CNU students are benefit from diverse scholarship opportunities(2008)

Affordable Tuition

  • Half-Priced Tuition Fees of Private Universities

Government Funding Allotted for Students Competitiveness Enhancing Programs

  • USD 1 Million (2008)
  • UDS 4.5 Million (2009)


  • 1.3 Million Volumes, 10,500 Academic Journals (by title), 30 Academic Data Base, and 5,000 Seats of Reading Cubicles

Residence Halls (Students Dormitory)

  • State-of-the Art Residence Hall Facilities (Cafeteria, Reading Room, Group Study Room, Language Training Center, Gyms, Computer Lab., Convenience Stores, Sky Lounge) with a Capacity of Accmmodating 5,000 Students

Students Halls (Ⅰ~Ⅳ)

  • Cafeteria, Banks, Gyms, Coffee Places, Stationary, Snack Bar, Photo Studio, Convenience Store

Language Education Center

  • Korean, English, Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian Language Courses

Providing Top-Notch Educatonal Service

Specialized University with Top-Notch Technology in Sciences

Leading University in Science in the Nation

  • National Engineering College
  • The only university in the Daedeok R&D Complex, an Asian Version of Silicon Valley
  • Scientist-in-Residence Program (First in the Nation)
  • Specialized Education in IT (Information-Technology),BT (Bioscience-Technology), NT (Nano-Technology),and ET (Environmental Technology)

Distinguished Faculty Members; Excellence in Research & Teaching

  • Registered Intellectual Property Ownership 510 items,Applied for Intellectual Property Ownership 170 items :10th in the Nation / University revenues from technology transfer : 9th in the Nation (2009)
  • Number of thesis & Research papers appeared in SCI Journals: 9th in the Nation (Complex and Impact Factor Analysis)
  • Number of thesis & Research papers appearedin SCI Journals: 12th in the Nation, 355th in the World (2009)

Research Oriented University Towards a World Class University

Institutionalization of Specialized Graduate School System

  • Law School
  • School of Medicine
  • Graduate School of Analytical Science and Technology
  • Graduate School of Drug Development and Discovery
  • Government Funding Recipient of USD 54 M for the 17 Brain Korean 21 (BK21) Projects
  • Government Funding Recipient of total USD 54 M for the New University Regional Innovation (NURI) Project for 5 Years
  • Government Funding Recipient of USD 20 M for Training center for bio/pharmaceutical and medical professionals as a part of governmental “National 5+2 Supra Economic Region, Leading Industry" Project
  • Government Funding Recipient for a World Class University(WCU) Project by Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  • 2009 Korea Service Quality Index, 1st in the Nation by the Korean Standard Association
  • University Rankings (by the Times with QS)
    • 16th in the Nation / 73rd in Asia

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