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Required Credits and Years

Required Credits and Years
Undergraduate Graduate
Bachelor course Master's course Doctoral course
Credit Hours 130 24 36
Years 4 2 2

Note: Required credits for Nursing, Pharmacy and Architecture are 150, 160 and 164 credit hours respectively.

Required Credits per Semester


  • Maximum course credit hours per semester are 18.
  • Students who earned grade point average(GPA) of 3.75 can register the maximum of 21 credit hours.


  • Limit of course credit hours per semester is 9 for master students and 12 for doctoral students.
  • If current major is different from the previous one, the students must take prerequisite courses (9 credits) for two years. Those master’s students and doctoral students can take 12 and 15 credits, respectively, including their 3 credits of prerequisite course per semester.

Academic Probation, Dismissal & Reinstatement

Academic Probation and Dismissal

  • In accordance with university policy, students are required to be in Good Standing academically. All undergraduate or graduate students failing to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.75 for all work attempted at CNU will be placed on academic probation. Students placed on probation are required to schedule an appointment for a probation interview with the OIA in CNU.
  • Students failing to remove academic probation after two consecutive enrollments by attaining a cumulative GPA in CNU courses of at least 1.75 will become candidates for academic dismissal from the university. In this case, students will be subject to immediate withdrawal of academic and immigration sponsorship as well as to the subsequent expulsion from Korea without monetary refunds either from the sending or from the CNU.


  • Reentering students who left CNU on academic probation must make an appointment with the OIA prior to being cleared to register for classes. Students who have been academically dismissed from the university may not enroll again at CNU unless reinstated to the university through the procedure below. Each reinstatement case will be considered by a committee of the OIA; in no case may it be assumed that after an absence of one semester any student is automatically entitled to reinstatement.
  • Students who have been academically dismissed from the university must provide a written petition for reinstatement which describes the expenditure of their time since leaving the university and outlines reasons for believing that their previous record will be improved if they are reinstated. Students reinstated after being dismissed for poor scholarship are reinstated on final academic probation and must establish a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 for all hours taken at this university by the end of the semester or summer session of reinstatement.

Grading System

Grading is decided on the basis of the relative evaluation, judging from the test scores, assignments, and attendance. The grading system of CNU is as follows.

Required Credits and Years
Grading System Grade Marks Grade Point
A+ 95 - 100 4.5
A0 90 - 94 4.0
B+ 85 - 89 3.5
B0 80 - 84 3.0
C+ 75 - 79 2.5
C0 70 - 74 2.0
D+ 65 - 69 1.5
D0 65 - 69 1.0
F below 60

Note: Note: F is treated as a failure.

Graduation Thesis

In order to get a diploma, students must submit a graduation thesis in the final semester. Occasionally, it can be substituted by an experiment report, practical test, or general test. Students in the graduate program should pass the Comprehensive Exam before submitting thesis. The Comprehensive Exam aims to test the student's knowledge and ability in their major. A student can apply for the comprehensive exam after acquiring 16 credits in the master's program and 24 credits in the doctoral program.

Withdrawal & Readmission


  • All requests for withdrawal from a course or university must be initiated and processed through the OIA in CNU. If students desire to withdraw from the CNU, students must obtain a withdrawal form and permission to withdraw from the OIA. With such approval, a withdrawal may be made without penalty.
  • Any encumbrances the student has on his or her record (placed by such offices as the library, bursar and admissions) must be cleared by the withdrawal deadline.
  • All international students whose withdrawal is approved must return to home country within two weeks. The withdrawal period cannot exceed two successive semesters or a total of six semesters (Medicine and Veterinary Medicine students are not permitted more than a total of two semesters).
  • Students seeking a withdrawal from the university for medical reasons must initiate the withdrawal process with hospital in which the medical condition is diagnosed, and submit a physician’s letter with withdrawal form. A freshman cannot withdraw from the university except for military service or medical reasons.
  • Procedures
    • a) Fill out the application form (available from administration system)
    • b) Copy of airplane ticket to home country
    • c) Get the approval from OIA’s international student advisor
    • d) Make sure to return all books that were checked out books from library
    • e) Submit to the Office of Student Affair (CNU Library, 1st floor)


All international students who have previously enrolled in the CNU and who desire to readmit to the CNU must file an application for readmission with the OIA at least three months before the intended semester start date. Each readmission case will be considered by a committee of the OIA. It is student’s responsibility to obtain the visa from immigration office in order to be readmitted.

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