

Immigration & Visa


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Immigration & Visa

All matters concerned with immigration and visa would be handled by Office of International Affairs at CNU. If you have a problem with your visa status or any other questions, please visit our office and contact the persons in charge of the matter.

  • Contact Person : Ms. Eunsoo Kim
  • Location : Chungnam National Univ. Bldg. E-1-1 Rm. 209
  • Tel) 042-821-8822, 8824

Alien Registration Card

Alien Registration Card
Alien Registration Card

All international students must complete an alien registration card application within 90 days of one’s arrival.

Required Documents

  • A. Application Form
  • B. Passport
  • C. Certificate of Enrollment of Admission
  • D. 1 photo (3.5cm×4.5cm)
  • E. Fee: 10,000
  • F. Applicants need to do finger print
Duplicate of Alien Registration Card

In case of the loss of alien registration card, she/he should notify OIA immediately and request duplication of alien registration card.

Required Documents

  • A. Application Form
  • B. Passport
  • C. Report of the loss
  • D. 1 photo
  • E. Fee: 10,000


Extension of Visa

Students who wish to extend their stay in Korea beyond the period of their visa should apply for a visa extension prior to the expiration date of stay. If this is not done, students may be fined for violating the law of the entry ?and departure of foreigners.

Required Documents

  • A. Application form
  • B. Passport &Alien Registration Card
  • C. Certificate of Attendance (issued via machine)
  • D. Academic Transcript
  • E. Copy of Tuition Payment Receipt
  • F. Fee: 30,000

The students who have completed their coursework are also eligible to apply for an extension of visa. After the completion of coursework, the total period of extension is one year for M.A. candidates and two years for Ph.D.candidates.

Required Documents

  • A. Application form
  • B. Passport &Alien Registration Card
  • C. Certificate of Coursework Completion (issued via machine)
  • D. Academic Transcript
  • E. CNU Advisor's Recommendation Form (including thesis title and thesis defense schedule)
  • F. Fee: 30,000
Change of Visa Status

When you want to change your visa status from Language Training (D-4) to Study Visa (D-2), you have to prepare for the following items and apply for the change to the OIA in CNU.

Required Documents

  • A. Application form
  • B. Passport &Alien Registration Card
  • C. Certificate of Admission
  • D. Certificate of Final Graduation
  • E. Certificate and Transcript of Korean Language Program
  • F. Tuition receipt
  • G. Fee: 50,000


Change of Residency or Renewal of Passport In case of changing your place of residency or renew your passport, you should report the change to the district (Gu) office within 14 days from the date of residency change or expiration date of the passport.

If you do not report the change of your residency within 14 days, you will be fined.

Required Documents

  • A. Application form
  • B. Passport &Alien Registration Card
Permit for Part-time Job (S-3 visa)  

International students with D-2 visa and D-4 Visa students, who have completed 6 months study, can work a part-time job by adding S-3 visa.

Allowed Working Hours

  • During Semester : 20 hours/ weekday (Mon.- Fri.)
  • Weekend, Holiday & Vacation: No limit
  • Note : The students, who want to work a part-time job legally, should report the intention to OIA. If you do not report, you will be fined.

Required Documents

  • A. Application form
  • B. Passport &Alien Registration Card
  • C. Certificate of Enrollment or Certificate of Coursework Completion
  • D. Recommondation for part-time work of foreign students
  • E. A copy of Business Permit (고용주 사업자등록증)

For more information, contact Daejeon Immigration Office

  • Location: Opposite side of Sun General Hospital (Address: 16-1 Jungchon-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon)
  • How to get there: by taxi or bus (#106 in front of CNU main gate or #108 at CNU bus stop)
  • Contact: 82-1345, Web site: http://daejeon.immigration.go.kr
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