> Guide for International Student > Student Affairs > School Life > Postal Service
The on-campus post office is located on the first floor of Student Hall 3 (N7 building). Opening hours are from 9:00am to 18:00pm. The office handles all postal matters including regular international mail and express mail service (EMS).
Depending on the zone, air parcels up to 500g are approximately KRW 11,300 ~17,800 and additional KRW 1,400 ~ 4,300 for each 5g is charged. It will take around 1-2 weeks to reach receiver’s mailing address.
EMS is a faster way to send letters, documents, and parcels overseas. Basic EMS rate to send documents starts from KRW 12,100. For non-documents, basic rate starts from KRW 14,700. The rate would go up depending on the weight and zone (distance). EMS premium rates are higher. It will take around 3 days to reach Japan or China, and 5-7 days for other countries. After sending mail or parcels using the EMS service, delivery status can be tracked on the http://www.koreapost.go.kr/eng/index.jsp.
Student Name
Dormitory Building No. ( ) Room #
Chungnam National University
99 Daegak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, Korea 305-764
Name of the receiver
Department or Office Name
Chungnam National University
99 Daegak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, Korea 305-764