

International Student Support


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International Student Support

International Student Support

International Student Counselling Center (in Office of International Office)

  • Location : Room 212 of CNU International Building (E1-1) TEL) 821- xxxx
  • Hours : 14:00 ~ 17:00 pm (Monday through Friday)
  • Appointment : Not necessarily required
  • Services : OIA offers counselling service related to academics, school or general matters pertinent to CNU international students. There are two bilingual counselors (English & Chinese) on duty during the office hours.

International Student Support Center (명칭확인)

  • Location : Room xxx of CNU International Building (E1-1) TEL) 821- xxxx
  • Hours : xx ~ xx pm (Monday through Friday)
  • Services : As a part of OIA support system, ISSC volunteers provide Korean language classes to international students who want to improve their Korean skills. A student will be matched to a volunteer and class will be conducted on an individual basis.

Student Support Groups

  • Regular International Student Supporters : Mainly for Korean instruction or language exchange. Supporters for regular foreign or exchange students will be selected and appointed by OIA through paper screening and interview process.
  • Exchange Student Supporters (for GSP, ISS, and regular exchange student program) : Assigned to 1~2 exchange students, a supporter provides all the necessary assistance in pick-up & dormitory check-in (upon request), course selection & registration, shopping, and for easy acclimation into Korean life.
  • NURIS : This student club is open mainly to Korean and international students studying at CNU. They provide general assistance in school life and organizes various social activities for international friendship.
  • GP (Global People) : Membership community for students and foreigners residing in Daejeon. The group provides ideal venue for building international friendship with different backgrounds and interests. They especially operate GP House (Cafe) in Gungdong, English talking club, potluck parties, and various social/cultural gatherings.

Community (Gung-dong Area) Information : 아이엠궁 (http://www.iamgoong.com/)

Provides useful area information and discount coupons for shops (Korean only)

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